2020 AP Exam Information for Students and Parents

2020 AP Exam Information for Students and Parents
As you have likely heard, this year’s AP exams have radically changed. All exams will be 45 minutes in length, and all will be administered online. Students may use open book/notes for the exams. You will be taking these exams from home on your own computer or phone. There will be no multiple choice questions, only free response. The exams will be given May 11-22. The College Board has done an excellent job of communicating information about the exams on their website and through emails to students who have registered for exams. If you have not been receiving these emails, check your spam file. If they aren’t there, contact Mrs. Crum for assistance. Please take a moment to read the updated information from AP regarding test dates and times, study help using specially developed YouTube lessons, specific details about exam requirements, and areas to be covered on each exam. Updates for AP Students Affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Bishop Kelly Specific Instructions
- We encourage all AP students to take these exams. The study hints provided, along with Bishop Kelly teacher instruction give students an excellent opportunity to be successful on these exams.
- If you don’t have the internet, or a device to take the exam, AP will help provide access. Please contact your Bishop Kelly teacher ASAP if you need help with this. All requests must be completed by April 22.
- Students will be emailed a code that gives you access to the exam. You don’t need to do anything special to confirm that you are taking the exam, simply access your exam using this code. All students need to use a non-Bishop Kelly email on your College Board account to make sure that the code gets to you on exam day. If you need to change your email address, this is accomplished by going to the settings tab on your College Board account. Please contact Mrs. Crum ASAP if you need help with this.
- Students will receive an email in late April with information on how to access the testing system on test day, along with video demonstrations to familiarize students with exam day procedures.
- Students must log in to their account 30 minutes prior to each exam to make sure there are no technical issues.
- Students who decide not to take an exam must complete this Google Form to request a refund on your account. We suggest that you wait until closer to the exam date to make this decision. Give yourself time to practice for the exam and to make a thoughtful decision before canceling your test. No refunds will be allowed after the start time for each exam. There is a $9 processing fee for cancelled exams, so the amount of the refund will be $85 per exam.
- Students who have applied for and received accommodations will automatically receive those when they log in to the exam. Contact Mrs. Crum if you have questions regarding accommodations.
- Calculators are allowed for exams, but the test questions are written in a manner such that calculations can be completed with pencil and paper. You may be more comfortable using the calculator, so make a decision that is best for you. Familiarize yourself with the AP list of approved calculators
- Please familiarize yourself with the AP FAQ page.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Crum at mcrum@bk.org