Our Vision for the Bishop Kelly Graduate
The Mission of Bishop Kelly High School has long been to “develop the total student in the Catholic tradition – spirit, mind, and body”. But what does that really mean? Our spirituality committee developed a graduate profile to put the mission statement into a more concrete vision of what a Bishop Kelly student should look like at graduation. This “Profile of a BK Graduate” guides us in developing our students mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and socially. These broad principles apply to each member of our diverse student body at BK.
In 2010 the “Profile of a BK Graduate” became an important guide that helped the Bishop Kelly community shape our roadmap for the future. The Profile of the BK Graduate is reflected in every goal of our strategic plan. From enhancing our spiritual and learning environment to creating opportunities for each of our students to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities, the development of our students in the Catholic tradition – spirit, mind, and body – drives us as we move forward.

Each Bishop Kelly graduate is prepared in the following areas:
- a relationship with Jesus Christ which manifests itself through service and a personal commitment to social justice
- a knowledge of the Catholic Church’s teachings, as well as the compassion and dedication to live out those teachings
- an ability to evaluate moral choices and issues based on a well-formed conscience, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit
- an awareness of world religions and an appropriate respect for the beliefs of others
- a deep sense of spirituality and a desire for spiritual growth, prayer, and personal reflection
- an ability to form strong, respectful and meaningful relationships based on Christian values
- a capacity for creativity, critical thinking, questioning, and reflective problem solving
- an ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from different sources
- an exceptional academic foundation in a broad range of subjects
- an ability to effectively communicate in both written and oral forms
- a firm grasp of technology and its role in maximizing learning
- an appreciation for the power of positive self-expression through the arts and literature
- a recognition that one’s body is a gift from God
- an acceptance of the responsibility to treat one’s own body with modesty and respect
- an ability to establish physical, social, and emotional boundaries and respect for the boundaries of others
- a lifetime commitment to healthful nutrition and physical activity
- a dedication to physical balance, harmony and self-control
- an acknowledgement of discipline, perseverance, and courage as keys to success