Strategic Plan
We are pleased to share with you our sixth strategic plan for Bishop Kelly High School. We began our efforts in 2005 with our first strategic plan which led to the total renovation of our school facilities and the significant growth of our BK Foundation endowment. The 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2023 plans helped us with achieving excellence in the fulfillment of our mission of “educating and developing the whole student in the Catholic tradition – Spirit, Mind and Body” and enabled us to provide a BK education to more families.
Our 2023 – 2026 strategic plan is deeply rooted in the foundational elements that define Bishop Kelly High School: Mission, Vision, The BK Way. Profile of a BK Graduate, and the NCEA Standards and Benchmarks for effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary schools. This comprehensive plan is the result of an extensive and collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, and it is aimed at guiding our school towards continued excellence in learning, service, and life.

We thank the many BK faculty, staff, and community members who have contributed to the development of this 2023 – 2026 strategic plan.
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