Academic Support for Students at Bishop Kelly

Academic Support for Students at Bishop Kelly
How can my child access academic assistance at Bishop Kelly?
This Just in Time is focused on Academic Support. We want to make sure you, as parents, know where to go for information on how to best access academic support for your child and who to contact for help if needed.
Email or Meet with Teachers
The first step in seeking help as a student should always be to touch base with the classroom teacher. Teachers are always willing to find time to meet with a student individually about an assignment or talk about ways to best study for a test. If your child finds it difficult to talk to a teacher face-to-face, a good first step is to have them email their teacher. As a parent, you can encourage your children to advocate for themselves by asking questions (in person or through email) and seeking clarification directly from their teachers. Teachers appreciate hearing directly from the student.
If your child is struggling academically and feels like he/she needs help with study strategies or prioritizing their work, they can always touch base with their counselor. The counselors are able to provide tips and academic advice as well as directing students to other resources in the school. Counselors can also help a student feel more comfortable in advocating for him/herself.
**The best way to contact your counselor this year is to set up an appointment via email and your counselor will call for you during an elective or time of your choosing.
Office Hours
Teachers are available every B day from 2:30 – 3:05 PM. Teachers should be in their classrooms, ready to answer any questions the students may have. This is a GREAT time for students to seek clarification and get additional help from their teachers.
National Honor Society Tutors
NHS tutors will be available every day in the Library before and after school. Students are welcome to pop in and they will be matched with an appropriate tutor. There are also individual tutors available who “specialize” in specific subject areas. If your child would like to be paired up with an individual tutor, please have them contact their counselor.
The Library is a great place for students to study before and after school. Mrs. Ward is there to help students with any questions regarding resources, technology, Schoology, Infinite Campus, school databases and a variety of other topics.
What can I do as a parent to help my child academically?
Step 1: Organize
For many students staying organized is the biggest stumbling block.
Tip #1: Make a checklist of things by the door at home your child needs to take to and bring home from school every day. Put this list in your student’s backpack too.
Tip #2: Sit down and review your child’s organization strategies they are currently using. Check the organization of their notebooks. Develop a system together that works for them. Check Infinite Campus and Schoology regularly to stay on top of missing and upcoming work.
Step 2: Time Management
Many students underestimate or procrastinate the amount of time it takes to complete assignments, projects and homework. Developing the skills to block out productive time takes consistent practice.
Tip #1: Track assignments on a monthly calendar. Work backward from the due date of larger assignments and break them into nightly tasks.
Tip #2: Help your child record how much time he/she spends on homework each week so she can figure out how to divide this time into manageable chunks.
Tip #3: Together, designate a time for nightly homework and help your child stick to this schedule.
Tip #4: If evenings aren’t enough, help your child find other times for schoolwork, such as early mornings, study halls or weekends.
Step 3: Prioritization
Sometimes teenagers fall behind in school and fail to hand in assignments because they simply don’t know where to begin. Prioritizing tasks is a skill your child will need throughout life, so it’s never too soon to get started.
Tip #1: Ask your child to write down all the things they need to do, including non-school-related activities.
Tip #2: Ask them to label each task from 1 to 3, with 1 being most important.
Tip #3: Ask about each task, so that you understand your child’s priorities. If they label all their social activities as 1, then you know where their attention is focused.
Tip #4: Help your child change some of the labels to better prioritize for academic success. Then suggest they rewrite the list so all the 1s are at the top.
Tip #5: Check in frequently to see how the list is evolving and how your child is prioritizing new tasks.
Step 4: Concentration
Whether your child is practicing vocabulary (Membean) or studying for a Calculus test, it’s important that he/she works on schoolwork in an area with limited distractions and interruptions.
Tip #1: Turn off access to email and games when your child works on the computer. Declare the phone and TV off-limits during homework time.
Tip #2: Help your child concentrate during homework time by separating them from their siblings or social environments.
Tip #3: Have a designated spot for homework where it is easy for you to frequently check in with your child. Usually, a bed is not the best place to do your best work!
Step 5: Motivation
Most teenage students say they want to do well in school, yet many still fail to complete the level of work necessary to succeed to their academic potential. The reason is often motivation. Tapping into your child’s interests is a great way to get them geared to do well in school.
Tip #1: Give your child control and choices. With guidance, let them determine their study hours, organizing system or school project topics.
Tip #2: Encourage your child to share their expertise. Regularly ask them about what they’re learning in school.
Tip #3: Congratulate, encourage and celebrate all their successes.
Often what holds teenagers back from trying is the fear of failure or the memory of a time they didn’t do well. You can help break this cycle by celebrating your child’s successes, no matter how small, and by giving them opportunities to succeed academically.
If you have any questions that have not been answered in this email, please feel free to reach out to individual teachers or your child’s counselor for more support.
Thank you!
Jennifer Kurdy
Student Support Director
Bishop Kelly High School