Academic Supports
At Bishop Kelly, we want our students to challenge themselves academically. As a school, we understand that we have a wide variety of students who all have different needs. Sometimes additional help is needed to be successful in the classroom. Please take some time to explore this website to see what supports and resources are available for your student.
BK Academic Supports Tutor List How can parents help? Counselor Presentations
Student Support Services
Everyone has different learning styles and the ability to be successful in classes can vary by student. Sometimes students are faced with barriers that can impact their learning. Bishop Kelly utilizes a Response to Intervention (RTI) process to evaluate students to see if additional supports may be needed. If you feel that your student has a need for additional support, please email Jen Kurdy.

Jennifer Kurdy
Student Support Director
All Students: 9th-12th

Jessica Slaven
Math Support Specialist
All Students: 9th-12th