Information Knight

Monday, January 27th
at 6:30 PM in the Carley Athletic Center at Bishop Kelly
Information Knight is a fun and informative evening for any interested students who will be entering the 9th – 11th grades in the fall of 2025. The night begins in the Carley Athletic Center with a brief presentation about our school. From there, prospective students and their families will be introduced to current seniors, who will lead small group tours of the school. On the tour, participants will have the opportunity to hear from teachers in each department. The evening concludes with an activity fair where students can learn about the many ways to get involved at BK.
We hope you’ll join us to learn more about BK! If you have questions about New Student Information Knight, or the admissions process at Bishop Kelly, please contact our Admissions Director Angela Calovich at (208) 375-6010 or