Bishop Kelly’s Inclement Weather Plan

Bishop Kelly’s Inclement Weather Plan
As we move into the winter months of the school year, it’s important that you are aware of our contingency plans for inclement weather and that you have opted into our text alert system.
If unforeseen conditions warrant a change in schedule, faculty/ staff, students and parents will be notified as early as possible. The goal will be to make the final call on the change of schedule by 6:30 am. Communication will go out through Remind101 for faculty and staff and Infinite Campus text alerts and email for parents. Additionally, local news media will broadcast news of any school closures or delays.
Option 1: Delayed Start
- If delayed start is an A Day, then we will delay start and have a B Day
- If delayed start is a B Day, then no change in schedule is needed.
- If the delayed start is a Straight 7 day, we will delay start to 9:15 and will shorten all 7 classes respectively.
Option 2: School Closure, Virtual Learning Day
If we feel that closing school in order to eliminate/ limit travel is the best option we will plan to have a Virtual Learning Day as opposed to no school at all. If we announce this option, faculty and students will follow the normally scheduled bell schedule for that day. Students will check into their classes on Schoology at the beginning of the period to get information on what is expected of them that period.
Option 3: School Closure, Cancel Classes
In a very rare scenario where we are unable to execute the first two options we may have to close the school and cancel all classes for the day. Examples may include a wide area power outage, emergency declaration by State or County, or other unforeseen circumstances. If this were to happen, we would resume the next day with the previous day’s schedule.
- If school is closed on A Day, the proceeding three instructional days will be A day, B day, Straight 7.
- If school is closed on B Day,the proceeding three instructional days will be B day, A day, Straight 7.