Bishop Kelly’s Instructional Plan for January 5th – 8th

Bishop Kelly’s Instructional Plan for January 5th – 8th
For the first four instructional days after Christmas (Straight 7 on Tuesday January 5th, followed by three block periods, Wednesday, January 6 – Friday, January 8) we will once again use the FLEX Instructional Model with some increased levels of accountability and expectations for students.
Student Attendance
- Any students that have had no/ low exposure potential are expected to come to school to attend classes with their teacher. The expectation is that students will be at school for the entire day and unless something changes, those same students should be present all week.
- Any students that have had high exposure potential during the Christmas break (airplane travel, travel to a hotspot, gathering with people outside of your immediate household, etc.) are expected to remain home during our FLEX Instructional Model time period. (Read more about risks here on the CDC website.)
- Any student experiencing any illness symptoms must stay home per our usual protocols.
Attendance Protocols during FLEX
- As a courtesy to help our teachers with instructional planning, students are expected to email their teachers prior to Monday January 4th if they are not going to be physically present in the classroom.
- FLEX MODEL ATTENDANCE EXPECTATIONS: Teachers will take attendance via ZOOM and/or in person in the first 15 minutes of each block period.
- Students will be held accountable for being on time, present, engaged and appropriately behaved whether they are face to face or online.
Behavior and Learning Expectations
- Instruction, lessons and content will be delivered as the teacher best sees fit, balancing the content to be taught, the number of students in their classroom, and the number online. We will be following our existing bell schedule with teachers taking attendance at the beginning of each class.
- Students will attend online classes individually and in an environment that is conducive to learning and focused attention on the academic subject. It is the students responsibility to be in a location where internet capabilities are sufficient for learning online.
- Teachers have complete authority to remove students from an online learning environment without credit for the day’s lesson if the student does NOT follow Bishop Kelly’s Expectations for Online Learning.
All services (lunch, study hall, library, etc.) and activities/sports will be operating as usual, with appropriate safety and health protocols and regular school policies, practices and procedures will remain in place with all students that choose to attend in person. We would ask that student-athletes who have had high exposure potential during Christmas break not attend practices or games the first week back after the holiday.
After these two blocks/four days, we will move back to all students on campus and an in-person instructional model for the remainder of the semester (hopefully), starting on Monday, January 11
We expect to be in red at the start of the spring semester and likely throughout much of the semester. Given the few number of cases we have had while in red, the lack of in school transmission, and the value of in person instruction for students, it is our expectation that all students be at school in person, except for those who are sick, in quarantine or in isolation. Please review our DRAFT Amendment to our Attendance Policy for Spring 2021.