Introduction to Leadership*
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Application, assumed position of leadership, teacher recommendation First Semester 10171 (S1); Second Semester 10172 (S2) The Introduction to Leadership course is a semester-long elective centered around faith-based leadership that helps Bishop Kelly students develop essential leadership skills. Students will …
Grades: 12 Prerequisites: Theology I, Theology II, Catholic Way of Life or Catholic Life & Leadership; First Semester 50071 (S1); Second Semester 50072 (S2) We tend to take the parables at face value. We tend to be satisfied with a superficial interpretation of the parables. …
Creative Writing
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 First Semester (S1) This one-semester elective course is open to students who are interested in exploring artistic forms of written expression. Whereas the emphasis in the traditional English classes is on expository writing, in this class creating poetry and …
Academic Skills Seminar
Grade Levels: 9,10,11,12 Prerequisite: Counselor/Instructor Approval First Semester 25331 (S1); Second Semester 25332 (S2) Students in Academic Skills Seminar receive clear instruction on the key executive function processes – the brain skills that enable us to plan, focus, remember information, and successfully juggle multiple tasks. …
In this course, students will explore the rich and diverse world of printmaking, learning techniques such as relief, intaglio, screen printing, and more. Through hands-on projects, students will use materials like linoleum, ink, and fabric to create original prints. Emphasis is placed on understanding the …
Elementary Education Internship*
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION INTERNSHIP Grade Level: 11, 12 First Semester 10331 (S1) Prerequisite: application required Course Fee: $25 THIS COURSE IS A DOUBLE BLOCK (2 CLASS PERIODS) This course will be an introduction to teaching elementary education. Students will develop an understanding of the sources of …
Foundations of Algebra 2
Grade Levels: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry, and teacher/counselor recommendation First Semester 30025A (S1) AND Second Semester 30025B (S1) Two Semester Required (FY) Foundations of Algebra 2 will emphasize facility with algebraic expressions and forms – especially linear, quadratic and …
Summer Strength and Conditioning
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12 Course Number 20000 The Summer Strength and Conditioning Class will be taught by the BK coaching staff and is available to all Bishop Kelly student athletes. All current students have the opportunity to earn one PE credit if they meet …
Girls Weights and Conditioning
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12 First Semester 20051 (S1) Second Semester 20052 (S2) This is a weights and conditioning course for female students. The course stresses increasing muscular strength and endurance as well as cardiovascular fitness. Students participate in a variety of lifting programs …