Campus Ministry*

Campus Ministry*

Campus Ministry*

Grade Levels: 12
Prerequisites: Theology I, Theology II, Comparative Religions, Catholic Way of Life or Catholic Life & Leadership
Class Fee: $25
Application Required
First Semester 50341 (S1); Second Semester 50342 (S2)

The Campus Ministry course is an elective, which is designed to allow students a first-hand experience at living out the Gospel message through service to the Bishop Kelly High School community. At its core, the class will emphasize individual and small group spiritual development. Making use of class retreats, student body liturgies and a variety of service projects, the goal of the class will be to put faith into practice. Students selected as Campus Ministers will be called upon to share their faith in a variety of ways, and must be comfortable doing so. Campus Ministers do not have to be Catholic but all Campus Ministers should be practicing their faith on a regular basis.

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