Horticulture 1
Grade Levels: 11, 12
Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry or Conceptual Physics
First Semester 35331 (S1); Second Semester 35332 (S2)
Horticulture is a hands-on curriculum. Students will experiment with different aspects of the horticulture field, including greenhouse management, landscape design and maintenance, plant propagation, pest control, and growing a variety of plant species. Students can expect several required design projects, such as flower arrangement, Christmas wreath, landscape plan, and terrarium. The course aims to foster an appreciation for the Our Lady’s Garden and the natural world while preparing students for potential careers in horticulture, agriculture, landscaping, or related fields.
Horticulture 2
Grade Levels: 11, 12
Prerequisites: Horticulture 1
Second Semester 35341 (S2)
Horticulture 2 is an extension of Horticulture 1 with the consideration of the alternative season (moving from autumn to spring). Students will build on first semester skill development and experience a deeper and fuller sense of the studies of our environment, science of the earth, and geological formations. The course aims to foster an appreciation for the Our Lady’s Garden and the natural world while preparing students for potential careers in horticulture, agriculture, landscaping, or related fields.