Social Studies Seminar
Grade Levels: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Parental permission due to sensitive material. A permission slip will be distributed to all students along with the course syllabus. The Social Studies Seminar courses are a series of classes offered by members of the Social Studies Department. These courses …
AP Human Geography
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: A or B in previous social studies courses First Semester 40210A (S1) AND Second Semester 40210B (S2) Two Semester Required (FY) Dual Credit: U of I GEOG 165 The AP Human Geography course is equivalent to an introductory college-level course …
DC Macroeconomics
Grade Level: 11, 12 Second Semester 40232 (S2) Dual Credit: BSU ECON 201 Students have the option to take this course as an AP class or as a concurrent enrollment/dual credit course. This course will explore economic systems and societal implications. Students will examine how …
DC Microeconomics
Grade Level: 11, 12 First Semester 40231 (S1) Dual Credit: BSU ECON 202 Students have the option to take this course as an AP class or as a concurrent enrollment/dual credit course. Students will define economics, explore the underlying fundamentals common to all economic systems, …
Grade Level: 11, 12 First Semester 40121 (S1) or Second Semester 40122 (S2) This courses examines the basic theories, structures, and operations of economics with special focus on the American free enterprise system. Students will learn the fundamental economic concepts, appreciate how the principal concepts …
AP U.S. Government and Politics
Grade Level: 12 Prerequisite: A or B in U.S. History or AP U.S. History First Semester 40200A (S1) AND Second Semester 40200B (S2) Two Semester Required (FY) AP United States Government and Politics introduces students to key political ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors that …
U.S. Government
Grade Level: 12 First Semester 40031 (S1) or Second Semester 40032 (S2) American Government focuses on the three branches of American government: executive, legislative and judicial. This course also deals with the United States Constitution and the political system which exists in our nation. Attention …
AP United States History
Grade Level: 11 Prerequisite: A or B in U.S. History I and English 10 First Semester 40220A (S1) AND Second Semester 40220B (S2) Two Semester Required (FY) AP United States History is available to those students who are interested in a more in-depth course in the …
United States History II (Westward expansion through present day)
Grade Level: 11 First Semester 40010A (S1) AND Second Semester 40010B (S2) Two Semester Required (FY) United States History II, a required course for Juniors, will survey the history of our nation beginning with the post civil war industrialization and continuing to contemporary times. It will …
United States History I (Colonization through reconstruction)
Grade Level: 10 First Semester 40000A (S1) AND Second Semester 40000B (S2) Two Semester Required (FY) United States History I is the first of a two-year study of United States history. U.S. History I examines the American experience prior to the twentieth century. The first semester …