AP Precalculus

AP Precalculus

AP Precalculus

Dual Credit: BSU Math 143/144

Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: A or B in Accelerated Algebra 2 or College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics.
First Semester 30050A (S1) AND Second Semester 30050B (S2)
Two Semester Required (FY)

AP Precalculus will focus on modeling, symbolic manipulation, solving and describing characteristics for the many relation types throughout the course such as polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions as well as conic relations. Topics such as parametric relations, vectors, and matrices will also be studied.  A research-based exploration of functions will be utilized to better prepare students for college-level calculus and provide grounding for other mathematics and science courses.  TI-84 calculators are required for this course.