Social Justice

Social Justice

Social Justice

Grade Level: 12
Prerequisites: Theology I, Theology II, Comparative Religions, Catholic Way of Life or Catholic Life and Leadership
First Semester 50321 (S1); Second Semester 50322 (S2)

The purpose of this course is to awaken within students a desire for a more just world, as envisioned by the social teaching of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, the Old Testament Prophets, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Students will encounter Catholic Social Teaching and evaluate their society in light of it. In accordance with this vision, students will engage in a major charitable project during the semester. In Fall, they will organize and execute the Frassati Food Drive, the largest Catholic food drive in the state of Idaho. In the Spring, they will promote and collect funds for Catholic Relief Services through the Lenten Rice Bowl program. Finally, they will be challenged to articulate their own role in a just society and commit to actions consistent with that role. The curriculum is aligned with the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Framework.