Comparative Religions

Comparative Religions

Comparative Religions

Grade Level: 12
Prerequisites: Theology I, Theology II
First Semester 50041 (S1); Second Semester 50042 (S2)

This one-semester elective class is offered each semester of the school year. The course is designed to help students understand how the Catholic Church relates to non-Catholic Christians as well as to people of other world religions or no religion. It starts with the foundation that Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church and gave to her the fullness of God’s revelation. Comparative Religions also explores the recognition of spiritual truths that can be found in non-Catholic Churches and religions. This course will help students see the ways that other systems of belief or practice are different from the Catholic faith. This includes open dialogue between the Catholic Church and the particular religion while pointing out differences and similarities in doctrine, tradition, and practice. The curriculum is aligned with the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Framework. Each section of the class textbook (Exploring the Religions of Our World, Ave Maria Press) that specifically refers to Christianity and Catholicism has been granted a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. This course meets NCAA requirements.