

2015 Senior Retreat

Class Retreats at Bishop Kelly

Wednesday, October 16th the Freshmen will be participating in class retreat during the school day.

Here are the details:

Location: The Bishop Kelly REG
Time: 8:30am-3:05pm (normal school day hours)
Cost: $20 (will be applied to your TADS account)
Food: Snacks will be provided, but students will eat their normally planned lunch for the day.
What to Wear: All students will be given a retreat t-shirt on Tuesday that they will be expected to wear on Wednesday. They can also wear jeans (without holes).

This retreat is an incredible opportunity for our students to have fun, build relationships with fellow freshmen and upper class Campus Ministry leaders and to grow in their relationship with God. This is a normal school day where attendance will be taken.

Date: Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 3:05 PM
Location: Bishop Kelly
Cost: $15 will be added to your TADS account
BK Sophomores will participate in a full day retreat at school on November 13th.
The retreat will include a presentation from national speaker, David Flood, testimonies from Campus Ministers, Mass with Fr. Vance, games, small group discussion and snacks.  It’s a full class retreat so all sophomores are expected to participate and attendance will be taken.



February 2025 Junior Search Retreat!

February 16-18 at Trinity Pines Retreat Center, in Cascade
Cost: $150 to be charged to your TADS Account
Some partial scholarships are available.

Students will be transported by Bus to and from Cascade.
Bus departs BK at 1:30 PM on Sunday 2/16 and returns to BK at 1:00 PM on Tuesday 2/18.

All Meals Provided.


Registration Deadline is November 18th.

What to Pack: Students need to bring warm, comfortable clothes for the retreat as well as outer gear for sledding. Snow boots or boots with good treading are recommended. Jeans without holes are fine. Participants will also need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, shower towel & toiletries, and a notebook or journal.

Lodging/sleeping arrangements: Guys and Girls will be sleeping in separate dorm like lodging arrangements on twin beds. Each will have access to showers during the weekend.

This retreat is limited to the first 40 Juniors to register. Students will only miss one day of school on Tuesday, February 18th. This is a school excused absence.

Download this PDF with Retreat Details


Click here to watch the Junior Search Retreat Promo Video!

Bishop Kelly Two (2) Night Senior Retreat

When: April 13-15, 2025 (Sunday – Tuesday)
Where: Trinity Pines Retreat Center, Cascade
Cost: $150 (This will be charged to your student BK TADS Account.)
Time: Depart on Sunday, April 13th at 1:30 p.m. (Meet in front of the Carley Center by 1:00 p.m. for bag checks.)
Return: Tuesday, April 15th by 1:30 p.m. to Bishop Kelly Due Date:


Online permission/registration is due by Wednesday, April 2nd – OR – once we hit 115 registrations.


Questions: Please contact Lorissa Horn at to answer any questions. Some partial scholarships are available.




Retreat FAQ’s:

Q: Will the retreat interfere with sporting events/other extra-curricular activities?
A: Students will be back by 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday to participate in any practices/games or extra-curricular activities.

Q: Will Mass be celebrated on the retreat?
A: Yes, we will have Sunday Mass at Trinity Pines in Cascade.

Q: What will the retreat be like?
A: Our main goal of this retreat is twofold.

  1. To reflect on the past four years -and-
  2. To prepare for life after BK—all through the lens of the Catholic faith. We will engage in powerful talks and small group discussions, participate in Mass, spend time together in fun games and competitions, campfires and s’mores, music, outdoor hikes and fishing with Coach Brennan for those that want to bring their fishing poles! It will be different from any other retreat offered at BK.

Q: When is the registration/permission form deadline?
A: The online registration/permission forms must be filled out by Wednesday, April 2nd.

Q: Will this retreat count as a school excused absence?
A: Students attending this retreat will receive a school excused absence and the days away from school will not count against them in any way.