Moving to the Yellow Category

Moving to the Yellow Category
In our 2020-21 Instructional and Operational Handbook, we state that while in Category 3 (Red) as determined by the Central District Health, we will offer a Hybrid Instructional approach to accommodate students and teachers who opt to stay home for health reasons. We have been offering this option since classes began on August 18th.
We also have been clear in our Handbook and in our communications that once in Category 2 (yellow) or lower, students and faculty would be expected to be on campus for classroom instruction. Thus, we will be expecting all students and teachers to come to school five days per week starting Monday, September 14th. While we are in the yellow category, we will not be offering a Hybrid option on an opt-in basis, but will work with students on a one to one basis for extenuating circumstances. We believe this best meets the goals we set for the 2020-21 school year:
- Make the learning experience exceptional for all BK students and faculty & staff
- Build a plan that provides flexibility, adaptability and whenever possible, options for our students, faculty/staff and our school.
- Keep our students, faculty/staff and community safe and healthy
- Engage our parents and community as partners to the overall learning experience of our students