
New Courses Being Offered for the 2019 – 2020 School Year

Just In Time Information

New Courses Being Offered for the 2019 – 2020 School Year

AP Capstone
Two Year program
AP Capstone ™ is a diploma program through College Board based on two AP Courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. These yearlong courses focus on developing the critical thinking, research, collaboration, time management and presentation skills needed for college-level work. Bishop Kelly will offer the first course, AP Seminar, in the 2019-2020 School year. It is a rigorous program with an expectation of outside research hours.
AP Seminar: First Year
Grade Level: 10, 11
Prerequisite: Preferred concurrent enrollment with AP Language and Composition
Two Semesters: (FY)
Year one of a two year program.
AP Seminar, is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students learn to synthesize information from multiple sources, develop their own perspectives in written essays, design and deliver oral and visual presentation, and craft and communicate evidenced -based arguments. Topics are driven by student interest in this course.
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11
Prerequisite: A or B in Algebra 1 and Geometry
Two Semesters (FY)
This algebra course will move at a faster pace meeting the needs of the accelerated learner. It is not concurrent nor is it a weighted course.
Grade Level: 11,12 Prerequisite: none
Social Studies will be offering a series of topics over the years. This will be offered one semester and Band of Brothers the other semester. This course will examine those theories of United States history but also older, more global theories. Students will explore the sources of these theories to help them understand the difference between critical thinking, conspiracy thinking, and the nature of historical truth. Why do these theories exist? Why are people attracted to them, and why do people believe them?
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering
First Semester (S1); Second Semester (S2)
Solidworks is a computer-aided design program specifically adopted by Bishop Kelly for use in all engineering and manufacturing courses as well as potential use in Art based projects. In this project based course, students will continue learning beyond the introduction to SolidWorks learned in Introduction to Engineering.
Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering, Applications of Engineering, AP Computer Science Principles, and/or Advanced Manufacturing and Design I or higher. Concurrent with Algebra 2 or completed with A/B.
First Semester (S1) Two credits/two periods
Competitive Engineering Design is a program of interconnected disciplines that is offered as a single semester, 2 Credit Course Option. This course will be offered in two consecutive periods. In this program, student teams will be guided and supported through the engineering design process to investigate, design, develop, prototype, and test a solution for a real world problem. Students will be expected to follow the research process, test, develop and evaluate a prototype while communicating, designing and presenting prototype in a competitive setting. Competition will take place in January
Grade Levels: 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Intro to Engineering or similar course and concurrent with Geometry
First Semester (S1); Second Semester (S2)
The course is intended as an introductory course for people who might be interested either in engineering or in machining.   A project-based class, will teach students about basic machining operations, measurements, and calculations. Students will learn about different machines and tooling. They will be able to use blueprints to make devices that meet specifications. Students will also learn how to operate computer numerical control (CNC) equipment.
This course will be available for concurrent credit when taken after Intro to Engineering.
THEOLOGY SEMINAR: Catholicism and the work of J.R.R. Tolkien
Grade Level: 11,12
First Semester (S1); Second Semester (S2)
In this course, we will use The Silmarillion as our primary text, as well as supplemental materials both primary and secondary. The purpose is to explore Tolkien’s Catholicism through his mythology. We will discuss topics like:
Creation, Fall and Redemption
Creatio ex Nihilo and Tolkien’s philosophy of “subcreation”
Sin and Reconciliation
God’s Providence
This class is meant to be for upper-level students who wish to explore the relationship between Catholic theology and literary mythology.
Campus Ministry & Christian Leadership
Grade Level: 11
Prerequisite: none; this course does not replace junior theology
First Semester (S1) Second Semester (S2)
Application Required
This course is designed to develop and empower student Christian leaders to use their gifts, talents, witness and example to help their peers at Bishop Kelly grow in their relationship with God while deepening their experience and understanding of the beauty and teachings of Christ and His Church.