Our Lady Queen of Victory

Our Lady Queen of Victory
During the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), Islam spread rapidly throughout Arabia. After his death in 632 A.D, the Arab Empire eventually included all of Western Asia (the “Middle East”), Northern Africa, and the entire Spanish Peninsula, including Portugal. All of these areas had previously been entirely Christian. Today, with the exception of Spain and Portugal, the entire area is Muslim.
On Tuesday, May 29, 1453—a famous date in the Muslim world—the Christian City of Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) fell to the Muslims. That night, a crescent moon and the planet Venus were clearly visible in the sky. That crescent moon is now the symbol of Islam.
The Muslim Caliphate was now about to spread to Christian Europe. The fleet was ready to transport troops and conquer Italy, France, Germany, and the rest of Europe.
The only thing stopping them was the Christian Mediterranean Sea at a place called Lepanto.
What followed was the largest gathering of ships since 31 B.C. and would not be outnumbered until World War II off the coast of Normandy for the invasion of the Nazi Reich.
The Battle of Lepanto was the last naval battle fought between ships powered by rows of men using oars. With no significant difference between the two navies: all the oarsmen for the Muslim Turks were unarmed slaves, chained to their oars. All the oarsmen for the Christian ships were freemen, each unchained and each armed with muskets.
Plus, the Christians had a total of 1,851 cannons against 741 for the Turks.
Otherwise, both sides had approximately the same number of ships: 212 for the Christians, 251 for the Turks.
The battle lasted for five hours. The Turks lost 210 ships, the Christians 50. The date was October 7, 1571. It was a turning point in history. Europe was saved from becoming part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire.
While the battle raged, the people of Rome, led by the Pope, continuously prayed the rosary. From that day, the 1st Sunday of October has been known as the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Victory.
Now you know where that prayer came from.