Passover, 14th of Nisan, 5776

Passover, 14th of Nisan, 5776
Tonight, at sunset, Passover begins. It is the 14th day of the month of Nisan, in the year 5776, according to the Jewish calendar. Why is this night different from all other nights? Because it remembers the night when the Angel of Death “passed over” the houses of the Israelites and killed the first born males of the Egyptians. After that, Pharaoh let the People go free.
For Christians, the Passover Meal, or Seder, is the meal which was Jesus’ last Supper. Many of the elements of the Passover Meal are similar to the Mass (or, vice versa).
There are many rituals surrounding the Passover meal. To begin with, it takes place in the home, not in a synagogue. The house is completely cleaned in preparation (similar to “spring cleaning”). Then all products made from leavened bread are removed from the house, e.g., bread, cereal, pie, even whisky.
Matzah, or unleavened bread, is baked. This can only be made with specially grown wheat and water. Similar to our communion wafers.
A chair and table setting is prepared for Elijah, their Prophet. There is an ancient legend that Elijah will return on Passover; and following him will be the Messiah.
-The meal begins with the lighting of candles by the mother of the house. Then the first of 4 cups of wine are drunk, saying the following prayer:
“Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam,
borei peri hagafen”
Blesses are You, Lord God King of the Universe,
Creator of the fruit of the vine.
(Similar to priests blessing of wine at the Offeratory of the Mass)
-Then, the washing of hands
-Eating bitter herbs
-Breaking of the Matzah:
Ba-ruch a-tah Adonai, Eloheynu, Me-lech
Ha-o-lam, Ha-motzi-le-chem min ha-a-rety
Blessed are you, Lord God, King of the Universe,
who brings forth bread from the earth.
4 Questions – youngest asks
-2nd, 3rd, 4th cups (3rd cup called the Cup of Blessing – it is this cup that Jesus said “this is my blood.”)
-The Hagadah – the story of the escape from Egypt. Similar in form to the Eucharistic Prayer.
-Songs and Games. Especially for the children. Several years ago we had a Seder meal in the parish to show solidarity with Jews, our spiritual brother & sisters.
Sometimes parents in parish let their children have a little sip of wine. Once, a parent had to call the school the next day to excuse her 2nd grader. The attendance asked why. Because, the mother said, he got drunk last night at church.