Prince of Peace?

Prince of Peace?
One of the more popular titles of Jesus is “Prince of Peace”. It was actually taken from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and given to Jesus after his death. He himself rejected that title, at least in today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke; I have not come to bring peace on earth, but rather discord –or division. That is clearly what happened in the Life of Jesus and has existed throughout the last 20 centuries, Even the believers in Jesus are divided among themselves- always have been. The apostles themselves argued among themselves. Peter and Paul did not particularly like one another. Orthodox churches –themselves divided- don’t believe the same way as Catholics. Nor do Protestants in relation to Catholics or among themselves.
I was astounded yesterday to read some entries on Internet news sites about rumors that Pope Francis has a brain tumor. Rumor has replaced poison as the weapon of choice for those who do not like this pope.
I don’t know why (well, I do, but I disagree) even some Catholics don’t like the pope. There are many denominations of evangelical Christians who seriously believe the pope to be the Anti-Christ.
It’s been so for every Pope I can think of. It’s almost worse than being President – where you expect that 50% of the people don’t like you and you need enormous security just to stay alive.
Today is the second year of the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II. He was also enormously respected by billions of people.
Jesus remains a challenge to believers. Who exactly is he? Ask that question of anyone and you will get a different answer every time. Ok, you will get at least only, a definition.
One common denomination is that human beings are not usually uncomplicated. We are complex, unfinished, always growing people.
Given all of that, there is an antidote to division – a sense too much evident in our world. Our antidote is respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Human people deserve to be respected.
I have a friend who seems incapable of ever saying negative things about anyone. Sometimes, it makes for cautious conversation. My friend will simply act as if nothing was said, if he hears something negative about someone else, it is as if it never happened. Such a person earns at least two things: respect and the desire to imitate. Or at the very least, he is a happy person.