Schedule for September 8th – 11th

Schedule for September 8th – 11th
We have made the decision to bring all students back on campus daily starting next Tuesday, 9/8, and move away from the alternating hybrid schedule that we’ve been using. There are some valid reasons to stay in an alternating hybrid schedule (reduce risk with fewer students, lunch challenges, still in Category 3) and equally valid reasons for bringing all students back on campus (mixed classes challenges for students and teachers, some students struggling online, improved educational experience). In the parent survey that we just completed, parents were equally split – some want to continue with alternating schedules and some strongly want all kids back on campus every day. Compounding the decision is that the 142 parents who completed the survey rated their child’s educational experience quite high so far this school year (7.8/10.0).
What we have decided is to allow all those who wish to come back full-time on September 8th to come back. Those who are concerned about returning to every day in person school can stay on alternating blocks or completely online while we remain in Category 3, or at least through next week. We believe this best meets the four goals we set for the 2020-21 school year:
- Make the learning experience exceptional for all BK students and faculty & staff
- Build a plan that provides flexibility, adaptability and whenever possible, options for our students, faculty/staff and our school.
- Keep our students, faculty/staff and community safe and healthy
- Engage our parents and community as partners to the overall learning experience of our students
This solution for next week allows parental choice and gives you options, while allowing us to strengthen the educational experience for students and faculty. We are also actively working on lunch for up to 800 students on campus and believe we have a solid plan – sequencing lunch release times, having kids stay in their group of less than 10, providing full lunch service with stations distributed around campus, and spreading students out to prescribed areas on campus for lunch to minimize social interaction while unmasked.
Action Item: If your child is planning to Opt-in to the Online Learning Option any day next week or all week, please complete this short form so our teachers will be better prepared to accommodate your student’s needs.
Finally, here is the schedule for next week: