Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday
Today is the last day of lent. Officially called “Wednesday of Holy Week”, or “Holy Wednesday”, it is also known as “Spy Wednesday”. That is a reference to today’s gospel. Additionally, on the day before the Last Supper, Judas arranged to hand Jesus over to the Temple priests. In return for 30 pieces of silver, Judas would point out who and where Jesus was. That money is a powerful symbol.
The account by Mathew has many explicit and implicit references to the Old Testament. E.g, “30 pieces of silver” was the price of a slave. Later, according to Mathew, Judas will hang himself. This is an implicit reminder of King David’s betrayed by Ahithophel, who hung himself. Ahithophel conspired with Absalom, David’s son.
In any icon of the last supper, one can always spot Judas. He’s off in a corner, sneaking out with a bag of money in his hands, or the only one without a halo.
“Judas” has become synonymous with “traitor”. Arch-villain, even a dark foil to Jesus’ light. The two are symbols of an Apocalyptic battle between good and evil. That’s not in the gospels. Matthew continues to remind the listeners that Judas was “One of the Twelve”.
And what exactly is it that Judas “betrayed”? Jesus chose to go to Jerusalem because it was the Will of God the Father. In the garden, Jesus prays to the Father to “take this cup” of sufferings away. The Father does not. It is His will the Son should die on the cross. Not Judas’ will, but the Father’s.
The most evil man in history, better that he had never been born?
Judas was dead before Jesus died (according to the gospel narratives). Before Jesus died, he asked the Father (who willed the son’s death) to “Forgive them for they know not what they do”.
It’s difficult to reconcile what Judas did with Jesus’ dying wish that he (and everyone else) is forgiven.
Judas was present at the Last Supper, and apparently at the distribution of the Body and Blood-the bread and the wine. If Judas was forgiven (in John’s Gospel, Jesus gives him permission), then anyone can be forgiven.
Question asked- and alluded to recently by Pope Francis, if God in all forgiveness, what about Hitler? Answer: obliterated. “Never been born”. That would apply to a very few. The rest of us are going to be ok.