Strong Families, Strong Students

Strong Families, Strong Students
Idaho families are facing many challenges as they are forced to rapidly adapt to changing circumstances in their children’s education because of COVID-19. Through the Strong Families, Strong Students program Idaho families are provided access to grant funds to help with their students learning.
Strong Families, Strong Students Is a grant program funded by Idaho’s Coronavirus Relief Funds, which provides Idaho students access to grant dollars that can be used to purchase educational goods and services that their families decide their students need.
Who can apply? If you are a parent or guardian of an Idaho public, private, parochial, student(s) in grades K12— impacted by a COVID-19-related full or partial Idaho school closure or the parent or guardian of a home schooled student who experienced a COVID-19-related employment disruption— you can apply for these funds.
Eligible Families can:
- Receive a credit for $1,500 per child or up to $3,500 per family.
- Purchase computers and technology, pay for internet access, instructional materials, fees for courses, tutoring services and educational services and therapies through approved vendors available through the on-line marketplace.
- Seek reimbursement for eligible education expenses paid for between March 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020.
- Once the account is created, monies are deposited into a digital wallet and available to be spent through the current school year.
- When you apply please have evidence of your child’s, or children’s, public or private school enrollment and a copy of your 2019 tax return.
- If you home school, please have a proof of residence available when you apply.
Enrollment will be open from October 21, 2020 to December 8, 2020. Awards will be issued first on economic need and then on a first come first serve basis. All dollars must be allocated to families no later than December 31, 2020. However, families have until June 30 to spend their money once it is in their digital wallet.
If you are having trouble with the application process, call 1-844-649-2921
BK Parents can print off their own unofficial transcript (that meets the requirements for the Strong Families, Strong Students application) on Infinite Campus.