The Ark of the Covenant

The Ark of the Covenant
The events written about in today’s first reading took place some 3,000 years ago. The People of Israel have just lost a battle with the inhabitants of the land, the Philistines. Interestingly, the Arabic word for “Philistines” is rendered in English as “Palestinian”.
Not only did the Israelites lose this battle, they also lost the Ark of the Covenant. Later, it would be returned, but was lost forever some 500 years later.
The Ark was built to specific dimensions outlined in the Book of Exodus. It was approximately 4.4 feet long, 2.5 feet wide, and 2.5 feet deep. It was made of wood and completely covered in gold. On top were two golden angels. Inside were a copy of the Law of Moses, the original stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, the staff of Aaron – brother of Moses, and a jar of manna, the bread-like substance that had fed the people of Israel in the desert.
No one was allowed to touch the Ark under pain of death. It was carried by priests who used long wooden polls to transport it from place to place. When the Israelites camped, the Ark has its own tent. The Latin word for “tent” is tabernaculum, or tabernacle in English.
The Temple in Jerusalem was built to house the Ark. It was kept in its own room called the Holy of Holies. No one was allowed in that room except for the High Priest once a year. Not even he was allowed to touch the Ark.
Sometime after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC, the Ark disappeared. There are several theories about what happened to it. It is variously proposed that is it in Ethiopia, Jordan, Egypt, and even somewhere in the United States. In any case, no one has seen it in the last two and half millennia.
In early Christian theology, Mary, Mother of Jesus, was given the title Ark of the New Covenant. She having carried within her womb the Son of God was a fitting reason for this title.
That being said, anyone who has received Jesus also carries the Son of God and can be called an Ark of the Covenant. Such a person is a sacred being.
In this sense, the Ark has not really been lost. It is still being carried by all those who live in accord with the Word of God.