A Catholic Way of Life
Grade Level: 11 Prerequisites: Theology I, Theology II First Semester 50031 (S1); Second Semester 50032 (S2) This one-semester junior class is offered each semester of the school year. This course will emphasize how church teachings, scripture, tradition and sacraments are the basis of a moral, …
Catholic Life and Leadership*
Grade Level: 11 Prerequisites: Theology I, Theology II First Semester 50051 (S1); Second Semester 50052 (S2) Application required, instructor permission required This course aims to deepen students’ understanding of Catholic Sacramental Life and the ways the Sacraments support life-long servant leadership, in the footsteps of …
Theology II
Grade Level: 10 Prerequisite: Theology I First Semester 50020A (S1) AND Second Semester 50020B (S2) Two Semesters Required (FY) Semester I: The Paschal Mystery The purpose of this course is to help students understand all that God has done for us through his Son, Jesus Christ. …
Theology I
Grade Level: 9 First Semester 50010A (S1) AND Second Semester 50010B (S2) Two Semesters Required (FY) The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the person of Jesus as he is revealed Sacred Scripture, both Old and New Testaments. All freshmen are required to …